Mr. Green Jeans brings 35 years of service and experience to its customers, including an expert team of plant designers and plant care professionals. Our business is taking care of your indoor gardens, designing them and maintaining their fresh contribution to your environment.


Many of our customers are large and prestigious companies who could spend any amount of money on interior landscaping. They come to Mr. Green Jeans because we are the best in the interior landscape business for a no-nonsense price.


Mr. Green Jeans is unique in the interior landscape field and stands out for its specialty programs, including a fully integrated and personalized design service; fresh flower rotation; one-day delivery; certified plant care horticulturists, and MORE.

Boston Interior Landscaping

We will...
  • Install plants that will thrive under the specific conditions of your workplace.
  • Pre-treat all plant material on our premises before bringing it to your location.
  • Transport plants to your site in a manner that safeguards them from weather and shipping damage.
  • Choose containers that compliment existing furnishings and maximize the use of work and floor space.
  • Install, clean and prune selected plants and top-dress containers.

Professional Plantscaping Is Good For Business

Plants humanize an office environment, cleanse the air of impurities, stimulate the mind and encourage creativity and lastly, encourage productivity by increasing workplace contentment.

Why Plants?
Plants Promote Workplace Productivity

Businesses have long realized that the physical environment directly affects an employee’s ability and desire to work. Now businesses are realizing that interior plants are a natural and vital part of a productive workplace environment. The majority of Fortune 500 companies have landscaped their office interiors – boosting moral, building employee contentment and promoting productivity.

Dana Parker, Longwood Gardens research fellow, wrote in the article, "The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development," that businesses realize that amenities such as office plants "are methods of attracting and retaining high quality employees".

Plants Combat Sick Building Syndrome

The problem is one we are all familiar with. Contemporary buildings are sealed tightly to increase HVAC efficiency. Inside sealed environments, man-made articles such as paints, plastics, insulation, plywood, carpets, synthetic fabrics and detergents emit up to 300 pollutants. However, leafy green help is available. NASA-funded studies have demonstrated that plants commonly used in interior plantscaping act much like mini rain forests -- cleansing the air of many harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.

Material distributed by the Plants for Clean Air Council shows that plants remove pollutants in varying quantities. Golden Pathos, philodendron, corn plants and bamboo palms are particularly effective in cleansing the air of formaldehyde. Spathiphyllum (peace lily) and dracena wameckei and dracena "Janet Craig" remove quantities of benzene, such as that from tobacco smoke. Marginata, warneckei and spathiplyllum work well in removing trichloroethylene. This group recommends a minimum of one potted plant for each 100 square feet of floor space.

Plants Keep Humidity Within A Healthy Range

Through their natural processes of transpiration and evaporation, office plants add moisture to dry, overheated air often found in sealed office environments. At the same time (and quite interestingly), studies show that plants do not add moisture in significant amounts when the air is already moist. A study conducted at Washington State University suggests that plants even help regulate humidity. When plants were added to an office environment, the relative humidity stabilized within the recommended "healthy" range of 30-60%.

Mr. Green Jeans

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